Carter White House Photographs Collection. 1/20/1977 - 1/22/1981. Carter White House Photographs: Presidential. 1/20/1977 - 1/22/1981. Jimmy Carter - With Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, Fr. 2-10; Rosalynn Carter , Anne Wexler and Andrew Young - In the Red Room, Fr. 11; Jimmy Carter, Rosa


Carter White House Photographs Collection. 1/20/1977 - 1/22/1981. Carter White House Photographs: Presidential. 1/20/1977 - 1/22/1981. Jimmy Carter - With Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, Fr. 2-10; Rosalynn Carter , Anne Wexler and Andrew Young - In the Red Room, Fr. 11; Jimmy Carter, Rosalynn Carter - With Robert Mugabe and Andrew Young, Fr. 29; Reception for Robert Mugabe - With table settings and flowers, Fr. 29-33; Z. Brzezinski - In office with guests, Fr. 34-35


SNAC Resource ID: 6510059

Jimmy Carter Library

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Kightlinger, Jack E., 1932-2009 (person)

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